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Present: Heiko
Comments: Gabor, Jean-Francois, Stephane, Ilmari, Telesto, Attila,
          William, Khaled, Stuart


 * Writer allows to insert comments in footnotes in DOCX, but loses them
   + have UI settings for all similar MSO-compat options (Gabor)
   + add AllowCommentsInFootnotes and ClockwisePieChartDirection
     but not ReverseSeriesOrderAreaAndNetChart, and
     ReverseXAxisOrientationDoughnutChart (Heiko)
   => easy hack

 * Import & Export mechanism for the font substitution table
   + realize per extension (Jean-Francois, Heiko)
   => WF

 * Formula help still displayed when editing cell formatted as text
   + show tip anyway (Stephane)
   + cell reference highlighting might be misleading (Ilmari)
   + formula might be shown anyway (Heiko)
   + and the tooltip shows up only while editing; possible workflow
     is to write formulas in text mode and switch finally to number
     for execution- which makes the tooltip valuable
   => resolve WF/NAB

 * Cursor goes beyond margins when typing spaces at the end of a line
   + mimic MS Word that allows spaces beyond margin and off page (Telesto)
   + controversial situation; allow space, don't wrap line,
     give feedback... and the use case is very dubious (Attila)
     + not being able to add pointless spaces at the end or breaking into
       the next line was the reason for the report (William)
   + TextEdit and Pages keep the cursor at line end regardless spaces (Khaled)
   + MS Word had in the past '"Wrap trailing spaces to the next line"
     (for compatibility with WordPerfect)'; suggest to break line (Stuart)
   + make this optional (William, Heiko)
   => add optionally

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