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Present: Maja, Eyal, Rafael, John, Rizal, Heiko
Comments: Stephane


 * Support partial visibility of tracked changes (at least like MS Word)
   + use case: reviewer caring about content not formatting (Stephane)
   + tools > options > writer > changes allows to set every type to [None]
     but it still becomes colored differently, at least for formatting
   + agree with the request (John), agree with the use case (Rafael)
   + show in the TC sidebar (only) (Heiko)
   + should also be available in the menu (Eyal)
   + toolbar button to toggle margin visibility needs rework (Eyal)
   + improve tools > options? not a good choice as it is not per document,
     low discoverability
   + take care of margin options
   => do it

 * [UI] Presenter mode does not use system font
   + complex theming at ooO.PresenterScreen.Presenter.Themes[]
     including background image, font size, color, style...
     and familyname, though not set
   + PresenterTheme::FontDescriptor::CreateFont() {
      if (msFamilyName.isEmpty())
        aFontRequest.FontDescription.FamilyName = "Tahoma";
   + customization in the registry could be applied and shared
     via extension
   + certainly needs to be larger and more distinctive than usual
     UI content (Eyal)
   + "fallback" resp. default for empty fontfamily should not be Tahoma
     but the UI font (Eyal)
   + don't dislike the current solution, wouldn't change it (Heiko)
   + prefer to have the system default (Rafael)
   => let's do it

 * EDITING Hyperlink to hidden sheet navigates to wrong sheet
   + how does MSO work? the same as Calc -> no information (John)
     + even worse since editing the hyperlink breaks it while we
       still list the hidden sheet
   + a) switch anyway (and show the hidden sheet, maybe only temporarily)
       + a1) permanently unhide the hidden sheet, since the
           temporary action is too surprising (Eyal, Rafael)
   + b) show some info bar, message box, balloon tip
   + c) disable the link and change the appearance accordingly
   + IMO b) or a1); against c) (Eyal)
   + IMO b) or a) (John)
   + IMO b) infobar; against a1) and a) as there might be a need
     to hide a sheet (Rafael, Maja)
   + protected sheets need to be considered; showing is not an option in
     this case
   + the infobar moves the content downward, a messagebox is disruptive
   => do it (easyhackable, medium interesting)

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