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Present: Eyal, Heiko
Comments: Khaled, Stuart


 * Ability to remove non-printing/"atypical" characters in a stretch
   of text
   + there is no such thing as exotic characters (Khaled, Stuart)
   + recommended workflow is to use advanced search and replace
     with <Ctl>+F10 exposing NPC, and <Alt>+X showing Unicode
   => wontfix

 * The "Fast Action" Buttons to hide/unhide all grouped columns & rows
   disappear when View Headers is set to conceal headers
   + a) keep the extra space and just hide the labels
   + b) disable the command and always show headers if groups exist
   + c) accept situation since done intentionally
   => c), resp. WF; also since groups still can be shown/hidden

 * Indication of which table rows are considered heading rows is
   "hidden away" from the user
   + make a duplicate of bug 113603 "Unified table management"
     + any band-aid like some info in the context menu or
       tooltips to indicate whether a row is a header is odd
   => make a duplicate

 * Allow insertion of items into master without a selected item
   + works in the floating Navigator ("Text" is always selected)
     but not when docked
   + unclear why insertion is not possible
   + having some random entry when nothing is in the document
     is weird
   + selecting the first item by default is not a solution
     since after adding a document one ends up with no selection
   => needsDevEval

 * Custom list numbering from DOCX import is not available in UI
   + new scheme allows to use <foo>%1<bar>%2<baz> on any level
   + mockup prepared during the session
   + would like to have "%1{.%2}[2-]{.%3}[3-]{.%4}[4-]{.%5}
    [5-]{.%6}[6-]{.%7}[7-]{.%8}[8-]{.%9}[9-]{.%10}[10-]" (Eyal)

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