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Present: John, Hossein, Heiko
Comments: Eike, Justin, Bogdan


 * Select paragraph (quad click) causes jumping to the end
   + see also
   + MSO hides the caret on selection, we show it and give feedback where
     it is; changing this should be done
   + not so many people requesting this change (John)
     + actually it is a frequently asked question (Heiko)
     + depends on the OS/DE how selection works (Notepad on Windows
       hides the caret likewise MSO while Kate on Linux/KDE does the
       same as we do, ie. show and move the caret)
   + advantage of showing the caret is better feedback; you see what has
     been selected (important when the text spawns multiple pages)
   + do not change this; and if do it optional (Heiko)
   => make this request a duplicate of 137603 and comment there

 * Warn when default format is changed
   + no warning when changing the default at Tools > Options > Load/Save
   + pointless in first place and common without (Bogdan, Justin)
   + saving as plain txt gives no warning but changing on SaveAs to doc
     it warns; MSO gives a warning for odt (for example) even when it is the
     default (together with a don't show again checkbox)
   + would expect the same as MSO for all formats but odt/fodt; the "warn when
     not saving..." below should become "Do want in case of alien formats"
     being controlled on the confirmation dialog
   => do so

 * Wrong cell attributes assumed
   + valid request but header should be taken into account (Eike)
   => make the format of inserted rows/cols depending on the action
      left/right (rather prior/after) resp. below/top

 * Cannot copy formula by copying cell when displaying with Show Formula
   => assigned

 * Option to REQUIRE pressing F2 or Enter to switch to cell edit mode
   and ignore any data entry attempts otherwise
   + option to disallow direct input in Calc (F2 always required)
   + if implemented it should be done as expert option to make it hard
     to find for average users (Hossein)
   => do it

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