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Present: Shu, Hossein, Eyal, Heiko
Comments: Ady, Thomas, Roman


 * Allow to invert selection in Autofilter
   + wont clutter too much and nice to have (Ady)
   => add the option

 * Get Rid of the Red Background Color in Find Box
   + shading has a clear meening (Thomas)
   + don't mind the red highlighting (Shu)
   + bad contrast for black font on red background, at least
     on Windows (Hossein)
   + MSO shows an extra dialog
    + Not having a popup/dialog to tell nothing is found may lead to issues.
      For example in Writer, it caused the screen reader not announcing it
   => make "Search key not found" label bold and red instead of
      the input highlight
   => show a dialog with "Search key not found" with a "[x] Show this message"
      dialog for a11y

 * The "increase indent" icon has no effect after reaching cell border
   + keep function and make it depending on the cell size rather than
     column (Shu)
   + increase after maximum (Eyal)
   + disable the command if the indentation is at the maximum
   => do it

 * Pivot table - enable subtotals by default
   + enabling per double click on row field is easy (Roman)
   + enabling subtotals clutters the table, in particular in case of
     multiple groups where users should decide manually which group needs
     a summary (Heiko)
   => do not enable by default

 * continue fulfilling input fields
   + hide the button (Shu, Heiko)
   => do it

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