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Present: Heiko
Comments: Dieter, Cor, Ady


 * Add Favorites section to Formula Editor
   + add "last used" similar to functions in Calc (Heiko)
   => do it

 * EDITING: Extending selection to next word includes after-word space
   + support the proposal for consistency (Dieter)
   + no need to select for DF on a single word (Cor)
   => recommend to not implement but keep open for further input

 * Animation deck 'Play' button should be positioned to lead edge of deck,
   so always visible
   + like the suggestion (Cor)
   => do it

 *  Choose which adjacent column of a "double clicked" formula dictates
    the extent of the fill
    + proposal not clear (Ady)
      + Instead of only considering the "left-side" column (or "prior")
        for RTL/CTL cases)
      + autofill action will remain the same; the difference is that
        both-sides adjacent columns are considered instead of just
        the "prior"
      + unclear what happens when hidden columns are adjacent
      + No new shortcuts
    => implement alt+click to autofill on the opposite site
    => change behavior depending on LTR/RTL and rename into
       prior (left for LTR) and after (at least in the documentation

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