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Present: Lupe, Bogdan, John, Rizal, Heiko
Comments: Jean-Baptiste, Ady, Eyal, Hossein, Mike, Eike, Ilmari


 * default file names when printing workbook in PDF
   SUGGESTION : default file names when printing workbook in PDF
   + automatically suggest a PDF file name
     + the first words of a text document does not express generally
       the contains of the document, might be sensitive (Jean-Baptiste)
     + we name documents "Untitled" when saving (Heiko)
     => don't do
  + automatically create several PDF files according to the choice indicated
    + add a checkbox below and indented under All with "[ ] Split workbook and
      create individual PDFs for every sheet", or the like (Heiko)
    + no harm in it but shouldn't be the default (John)
    => do it

 * Hash marks that indicate "cell too narrow" should expand according
   to the cell width
   + agree with a _minimum_ of three # marks (Ady)
   + clutters the spreadsheet (Heiko)
   + filling with ##'s is better then having the arbitrary
     three #'s (Eyal, Hossein)
   + three hashes are easier to spot (Lupe)
   + unclear use case (John)
   => comment

 * Warning dialog shows only once for "Record changes"
   + not only about *protection* of the recording, but also
     about *controlling* (Mike)
   + add wording about the destructive nature of the action
     in the Calc case (Eike)
   + consider removing this checkbox entirely (Eyal)
   + unclear what is being destroyed (John)
   => investigate and suggest a text

 * "replace custom styles" option in AutoCorrect should be removed
   + agree (Stuart, Heiko)
   + totally unclear, "Custom Styles" could be Direct Formatting (Eyal)
   + removing it wouldn't be realized by many users anyway (John)
   + the lately introduced Spotlight feature shows styles clearly (Heiko)
   + use case is maybe on receiving a document from someone else
     all "alien" styles can be converted at once (Rizal)
     + rename the option maybe (Rizal)
     + perfectly clear (Heiko, John)
     + should be better switched off by default
   => forward to documentation with suggestion to add an example

 * proposal-option to remove whitespace characters (other than space)
   in "paste special", "clear direct formatting", Format->Text and
   in import dialog box
   + clean() and trim() work well (Ilmari)
   + objective easy to achieve with inbuilt functions (Ady)
     + Users could also mark the undesired character as separator
       in the import dialogue and also check Merge delimiters
   + unclear use case (Eyal)
   + typically not added intentionally and suggested option
     would be convenient (Stuart, Rizal)
   => suggest to keep ticket open and wait for supporters

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