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Present: Eyal, Shu, John, Hossein, Heiko
Comments: Dieter, Stuart


 * Several Calc menu commands are available in Read-Only mode
   + it's about to grey out items that cannot be used (Eyal)
   => makes sense

 * Edit Index Entry dialog: Replace "Apply" button with "Reset"
   button and make "Close" apply automatically
   + consistency is prime, keep Apply but add Ok (Dieter)
   + no indication when changes are applied (eg not in case of
     Close) => warn if Close is pressed without Apply/Next (Eyal)
   + how about labeling with "Previous <= => Next (and Apply)" (Heiko)
   + no urgent need for adding Reset (Eyal, Heiko)
   + Apply could be removed (Heiko)
   + we could disable Apply if no changes are made (Eyal)
   + Apply is handy if one doesnt want to press next/prev (Eyal, John)
   => resolve WF and suggest follow-up tickets

 * Option to Disable Overwrite Mode (Insert Key)
   + standard behavior, Overwrite is shown in the statusbar (Heiko)
   + draw attention the first time users do it (John, Eyal)
   + MSO has an option to enable insert/overwrite (but doesn't show
     any indicator, neither as different cursor not in the statusbar)
   => show a warning dialog the first time overwrite is enabled; okay
     button must not be in focus

 * How many copies you want of something should not be hidden in
   the print dialog
   + the dialog remembers the expanded state (Stuart)
   + the dialog is too large, expanding by default makes the content
     scroll; moving single items into the non-expandable part breaks
     relation (Heiko)
   + swap include and number of copies (Eyal, John)
   + check display size and expand the section and resize the dialog
     if possible (Hossein)
   + changing the number of pages is a more common use case than
     include odd/even (John, Eyal)
   + keep collation in the collapsed section (Eyal)
   + rename first "More" to "Collation and Paper Size", and the second
     "Pages per Sheet"
   => do this

 * Set paragraph style drop down is able to create new styles,
   which is unconventional (and not fitting the label)
   + disable style creation; just search for styles (Heiko)
   + similar for fonts- typing another font name is possible even
     if it doesnt exists
   + open a dialog and ask users what to do; disagree with
     removal (Eyal)
     + MSO has no similar option for styles but for font names- it
       shows a dialog if the font not exists whether it should be used
       + It had in Office 2003, but not now (Hossein)
     + function is useful if the sidebar is not open (replaces
       the somewhat hidden "New from Selection")
     + allow renaming the current style? (Heiko) not needed (John, Eyal)
   => show the dialog with yes/no option

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