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Present: Cor, Eyal, Rayhan, Heiko
Comments: Stuart


 * Width property does not work in right-sidebar via "Position and Size" panel
   + change line "width" to thickness or stroke weight, and keep
     width/height (Stuart)
     + should be done in both sidebar and dialog
   + "Position and Size of Bounding Box/Area" (Heiko)
     + too long (Cor)
   => follow Stuart's proposal

 * Settings on the image frame style lost when caption is applied
   + "Graphic" is anchored To Paragraph, "Frame" As Character
   + anchoring is not part of the frame style
   + anchor it "to character" by default to comply with the latest
     effort in anchoring (Heiko)
   + in fact the graphic is anchored "to character" but the "Graphic" style
     is using To Paragraph
   + actual problem is that there is no space between image
     and caption (Eyal)
   + applying the distance below an image, is nice if there is a reasonable
     small distance set, say 0.5 cm. Then applying that spacing for a caption is
     wonderful :) (Cor)
   + But if you have a distance of say 2 cm set, you definitely do not want that
     applied to the distance of the caption ;) (Cor)
   + ideally we drop the direct formatting and trust in the frame styles
   => needsDevEval

 * Show "more options" symbol also in the tabs
   + add a "more" button to tabs on cost at balanced appearance?
   + MUFFIN is not a ribbon, customizability is limited (Stuart, Heiko)
   + we have plenty of UI alternatives (Cor)
   + Tabbed should be similar to Windows (Eyal)
   + requires changing the notebookbar so the options group in relation to
     the dialogs (Cor, Heiko)
   => keep open

 * Lines added to bullet list are not animated
   + user expectation is that adding elements take the "group animation" (Cor)
   + animating additional inserted paragraphs in the object is useful in typical
     scenarios, but - are we sure it is always the desired behavior? (Eyal)
   + but it's easier to remove an animation than adding it, if possible
     at all (Heiko)
   + might be a duplicate (Cor)
   + Note that if one adds a paragraph between other paragraphs, it "gains"
     an animation effect, but the last animated paragraph loses its animation,
     so that the behavior here is not even consistent (Cor)
   + Suggest that it be made either a blocker or blocked-by the more general
     bug about reworking the animations of paragraphs in an object,
     if one exists (Eyal)
   => needs some kind of fix, needsDevAdvice

 * Provide a visual clue when a table is a DDE link to Calc
   + should be visualized like a field and receive some feedback dialog (Heiko)
   => needsDevAdvice

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