What, this again?
polypoly is a commercial enterprise planning to make money by selling
the results of spying on people. Not to mention that it makes
Euro-nationalist arguments about how it's important for European
commercial entities rather than non-European ones to profit from spying
on people.
Why are we exposing our users to their propaganda via the blog? Before I
address that post on the merits, I would really like to ask you all, and
particularly Heiko, to take that blog post down.
On 01/11/2022 17:16, LibreOffice Design Team wrote:
Site logo image Heiko Tietze posted: "What comes to your mind, when you
ask yourself why people use LibreOffice? A "stunning user experience" is
likely not in the top list. And unfortunately we share this problem with
a lot of user facing Free Software. And there is a common reason: We
val" LibreOffice Design Team <https://design.blog.documentfoundation.org>
Community support needed: We want to use our users personal data
Heiko Tietze
Nov 1
What comes to your mind, when you ask yourself why people use
LibreOffice? A "stunning user experience" is likely not in the top list.
And unfortunately we share this problem with a lot of user facing Free
And there is a common reason: *We value the privacy of our
Empty walkway in green field
Photo by Erik Mclean at Pexels
While our proprietary competitors constantly (mis)use user data to
improve the UX of their products, we are maneuvering in thick fog. And
whenever we try to reach out to our users to decide about design
directions, we mainly get feedback from white, male nerds [1
<https://design.blog.documentfoundation.org/2021/10/18/results-from-the-survey-about-libreoffice-calc/>]. You hopefully see the problems this implies.
The only solution is: We need to be able to evaluate usage information
from everyone else too. While preserving the privacy of our users of course.
We need to be totally clear here, as we are touching common ground of
Free Software Communities. Data protection and control over own data is
a major driver for a large fraction of our community [2
<https://design.blog.documentfoundation.org/2017/09/13/open-source-means-libreoffice-users/>]. And it is for us too. Only when it comes to avoiding data in the first place, we do have to state, that we need aggregated personal data to able to do our work. We do not think creating data is bad per se.
Is there a third way?
The current data economy is set up to send out personal data to the
algorithms. Unfortunately data can easily be copied, and once it leaves
your property, you lose all control over it. So, today, you either
surrender and give up on your personal data or have to avoid producing
data in the first place, which is hard work.
But how about a third way, where all personal data is stored locally on
users' devices and only the algorithms are sent to the data to learn?
Then we only have to assure that the algorithm is not harming the
privacy in anyway, that the results from those algorithms cannot be
de-anonymized anymore and we can use the aggregated data of our users
without compromising the integrity of a single user's privacy.
The good news: We believe that we have found a partner project,
polypoly.coop <http://polypoly.coop> that creates exactly the
infrastructure for this third way.
With this post we ask you, the community for your help and support for
collaboration. We need you as a critical partner to watch out all we do
aligns with our values. We, the UX team need the results of this
collaboration to understand and reflect the needs of our diverse
community. And we need your technical excellence to make sure we keep
the basic promise: Any single user's privacy is preserved.
You can find a lot of information about /polypoly/ on their website. We
still want to highlight a few aspects that make us think polypoly is the
right project to partner with:
* /polypoly/ is legally organized as a cooperative. Only individuals
can become members. Each member has one vote, no matter how many
shares are owned. This assures that /polypoly/ will always work for
and in the interest of the users and can never be bought by big money.
* /polypoly/ is Free Software, following a dual licencing model that
allows the commercial world to use the infrastructure in proprietary
products. You can find the source code here:
* the dual licencing model is part of a business model and allows the
cooperative to generate income, which makes it likely that the
project is there to stay.
* /polypoly/ is actively interested in cooperating with us and is
willing to invest into this project
Benefits for LibreOffice
From time to time we run surveys about existing features or planned
enhancements but without direct contact we have to invite users via
social media. With the effect that questions typically are completed by
tech-affine people with some expertise.
As a consequence we base decisions like what kind of UI should be the
default [3 <https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=135501>]
on anecdotal reports and input from individuals who are more vocal than
other. Another example: A question we will never be able to understand
right now, is what function comes most often before Undo, from which we
could learn where uncertainties exists.
How it works
The basic idea of /polypoly/ is pretty simple:
1. User data is stored in a mesh network of user owned devices, which
is called the /polyPod/. Each person stores their own data on their
own device only, and it is only accessible with their explicit
consent. So we want to log the personal data of our users in there,
e.g. interactions with LibreOffice or demographic data from e.g.
questionnaires. Very different kinds of data can be stored in the
/polyPod/ and all data stored is fully transparent and can be
modified by the user.
2. The users can define via so-called "features" who is allowed to work
with their data, so The Document Foundation needs to ask the users
for permission. Again, the user can fully control who is allowed to
work on which data.
3. Finally we can send out algorithms that learn from all the users
that allow us to. So if we are interested how often different
LibreOffice applications are being used related to the location of
the user, we have to create an algorithm that learns the answer from
user's data and hops from user to user until we have the aggregated
answer and the algorithm comes back to us.
The details are of course more complex and look well thought through.
You will find more information on the /polypoly/ website.
Next steps
In a first step we want to create a prove of concept that allows us to
store relatively uncritical personal data from LibreOffice in the
/polyPod/ and run evaluations upon this. The actual data set has not
been defined yet. Everything needs to be opt-in and must not compromise
the normal operation of LibreOffice.
We want to increase the amount of generated data and users participating
gradually until we are able to actually do UX work based on
representative user feedback.
But most important is the backing of our community. We know how
important privacy for our community is and we want you to help us and
/polypoly/ to do things right. We are convinced that this third way of
dealing with personal data is the only possibility for Free Software to
be successful also on the UX side. Because you cannot do proper UX work
without proper contact to the users.
We are asking you to back this collaboration. If you have questions,
please go ahead. Not only now, but always. Please, be a critical partner
and help us to do things right and succeed in the end.
/Written by Bjoern Balazs/
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- [libreoffice-design] Re: [New post] Community support needed: We want to use our users personal data · Eyal Rozenberg
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