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Present: Sascha, Heiko
Comments: Eike, Jan


 * Chapter, Filename and Template should be be shown in "Select" frame not
  "Format" frame in Fields dialog - Document tab
   + concerns about jumping UI (Heiko)
   + would just move the field to the middle column (Sascha)
   + not a big deal OTOH to have the input field at the right list (Sascha)
   => let's try; easyhackable

 * Not possible to edit any fields inserted from Docinformation tab
   + any obvious blocker to use the Edit button for access to individual
   + Document > Sender reads data from Tools > Options and allows editing
     while DocInformation takes the values from File > Properties, which must
     not change (Heiko)
   + don't show the "Edit" button at all? (Sascha)
     + maybe just hide until it's editable, which is apparently only for one
       type possible
   => will double-check the options again and recommend solution (Sascha)

 * Add option to toggle image resize-by-mouse aspect ratio behaviour
   + provide an option whether aspect ration is on or off (still toggle per
   + would keep it (Sascha)
   + report seems to be not correct, all modules keep aspect ratio unless shift
     is pressed
   + Writer cannot group images and shapes but Draw/Impress and Calc; groups
     with a shape behave like shapes and do not keep the aspect ratio
   => WF; options for everything are detrimental to usability

 * Improve pivot table workflow and usage
   + extra sidebar deck for PIVOT functions?
   + GSheets has a well working sidebar too (Jan)
   + MSO as well (Sascha)
   + other improvements would be solved with the sidebar (Heiko)
   + <context menu> properties show the layout dialog, don't
     see need for more (Heiko)
   => introduce sidebar; mockup needed

* Give user specific warning when saving a spreadsheet with > 65536 rows as XLS
   + is the warning sufficient or not?
   + add warning on subsequently Save's after the first SaveAs (xls) (Eike)
   + warning should be shown on repeated save operations (Sascha)
   + Issue on more scenarios (Cor)
     + load and CVS (same as file open): we show "The data could not be loaded
       completely because the maximum number of rows per sheet was exceeded."
     + save as XLS (see above)
   + headless doesn't evoke any warning! (Heiko)
     + soffice --headless --convert-to ods foo.csv (with more rows that
       can be shown) evokes no warning but should definitely (resulting sheet
       just missed the remaining rows)
     + soffice --headless --convert-to xls foo.ods (ods with max number of rows)
       gives no warning at all
   + external source is unclear
   => needs to be fixed; high priority

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