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Present: Stuart, Sascha, Heiko
Comments: Csongor


 * 2 columns default spacing shouldn't be 0 cm
   + agree with 0.5cm (Heiko, Stuart)
   + implementation mistake, presets in the dialog work (but not the spinner
     the sidebar)
   => fix it

 * UI Calc Format – Spacing submenu contains unusable, greyed out items
   + don't touch the main menu (Roman)
   + remove line spacing completely from Calc's main menu (Heiko, Sascha, Stuart)
     + indent is available in the sidebar and under Format > Cells: Alignment
     + paragraph settings are available via main menu Format > Paragraph,
       context menu and sidebar
   + commands are placed at too high a level (Gabor)
     + a) move to Format - Object - Spacing
     + b) keep Format - Spacing for Increase/Decrease Indent or
          move these two to Format - Text
   => let's get rid of it

 * Sidebar: Fontwork sidebar is missing
   + not frequently used, so -1 (Heiko, Stuart)
   + see also tdf#136145 Sidebar: 3d settings sidebar, likewise -1 (Stuart)
   + in some UI modes the fontwork toolbar doesn't pop-up automatically
     and it's the only way to access some properties
   + no feedback from the sidebar even in standard UI mode
     + we need better guidelines for the sidebar (Stuart)
   + LibreOffice is not GIMP where sidebars make sense but we do not have a clear
     use case (Sascha)
   + same applies to 3D settings (Stuart, Sascha)
   => WF

 * Sidebar: Move List content back to the Paragraph section in Draw/Impress
   + lists are prime in presentations much more than in text processing (Stuart)
   + in Impress lists are not part of the PS but in Writer
       + access to list properties per content panel icon would be possible
         anymore if we move this into paragraph (Heiko)
   + keep separate in Impress- and move on Writer too?
     + for sake of consistency, yes; but it's correct today
   + afraid of people who want to contextually hide the list deck (Heiko)
   + sympathizing with the request; only way to make it consistent
     is to have an extra content panel for lists in Writer too (Sascha)
     + maybe the Bullets & Numbering dialog or numbering style dialog opens
       from the to be introduced new content panel for lists; ideally we
       get the new list style dialog in Writer too
   => for now resolve WF

 * Transparent background when exporting a page with image to PNG
   + change is necessary (mwtjunkmail)
   + reason for the confusion is likely the fact that background color
     is saved when the full document is exported
   + don't see Draw as equivalent to Inkscape or the like,
     -1 for the checkerboard background (Heiko)
     + also it's not clear how to implement without affecting the document
   + but we already have provided checkerboard for the SB Gallery
     + would be nice to have (Stuart)
   + Export option "[ ] Save Background as visible" (Csongor, Stuart)
     + if so, have a new section *Background* with "[x] Save Transparency"
   => comment only

 * cannot shrink width of Styles panel
   + see also
   + nasty topic, only as backlog
  => postponed for next Wednesday meeting Sep/30

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