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  * Remove option to adjust icon size at the Notebookbar
   + NB is not a replacement for standard toolbar and rather than having
     we/the community should provide different NB variants
   + agree (Franklin)
   => kill it with fire

I am with Andreas on this and I am vehemently against the idea of removing
the option to adjust icon size in the Notebookbar.
Although this was discussed in the design meeting this should also be
discussed in the bug. As of now there are 2 against two votes for removing
or maintaining this.

I am also completely against not having customization options for the
Notebookbars. Some minimal options should be given to allow adjustment that
facilitate the use of the UI.
And there's work ongoing to allow extensions to register on the
Notebookbar. So give it time for that to be implemented.

 * notebookbar additional settings for label arrangement
   + WFM, see also (icon size)
   => see above; no customization for NBs

I would provide a different rationale for this: changing label position has
a big probability of messing up the UI. If the purpose is to offer a
touch-friendly UI then design an exclusive touch-friendly UI.

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