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I agree... it would be quite nice to have a more practical port...
Perhaps the Notebookbar can be used to give a more adaptive, responsive mobile-friendly interface. 

Any sufficiently advanced technology is magic to those who do not understand it.-A variation on 
Clarke's Third Law
-------- Original message --------From: Pedro Rosmaninho <> Date: 12/4/18  4:04 
AM  (GMT-06:00) To: Cc: LibO Project <>, 
LibO Marketing <>, Subject: Re: 
[libreoffice-design] LibreOffice on Android - a different path? 
With the current push that Google has been giving to ChromeOS - including
making it capable of running Android apps - it would be a good idea to have
a direct port of the desktop version of LibreOffice in the Play Store since
it could be used in Chromebooks. Chromebooks are personal computers and
this is a platform that LibreOffice should consider extending into.

On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 4:55 AM Tim-L <> wrote:

I am asking to all of these lists to give it a wider possible look.

I know there is a named port of LibreOffice 5.x.x onto Android via
AndroPorts.  They have AndroPorts:LibreOffice as one of the ported to
their Linux desktop environment for Android.

They have the needed system to have others create ports of software that
can play on their Android system.

SO, I am wondering if there is a way for the developing team[s] to work
on a newer ported version than the 5.x.x version currently on Google
Play store?  The system is free, so that is one in their favor.

I did install it on a Fire HD 10 tablet which I installed the 4 needed
APK files to use Google Play Store along with Amazon's Fire App Store.

I do not remember what "rabbit hole" I went down that showed the system
to me.

I have installed AndroPorts and both the ports of LibreOffice and GIMP.
For me, with a Bluetooth Keyboard and Mouse, it looks promising.  I do
not have a Bluetooth Mouse, so I could not fully test it out.  This may
be the needed push to buy one of these mice.  I have several Bluetooth

SO, it might be worth looking at this system.  This will give
LibreOffice and TDF control of the port of LibreOffice "Editing Suite"
to a Android Platform.  Then that could be used till a direct Android
version of LibreOffice that will read/write/edit the supported files.  I
have to use AndrOpen Office to avoid using MS Office Suite packages like
the official version of  Word for Android.  I really want to see
LibreOffice take over the Android market, or at least as much as it can.

Timothy Lungstrom

300 South Main St. Apt 10C5, Elmira New York, USA, 14904.

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