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Heiko Tietze schrieb am 10.04.2018 um 09:27:

On 09.04.2018 21:27, Regina Henschel wrote:
#2,3: Why do you want to have layers in master? Complicates things
only for no good reason.
If you add a layer in the "master-view" (that is possible, try it
out!) the behavior is odd.

You write on the wiki

| 2. Each master page (more precise the <style:master-page> element) may have an own layer-set in 
file format.
| That will be possible in LibreOffice too.

| 3. The layer-set of the master page is used together with the layer set, which is defined on a 
| In the UI it is possible to offer them side by side, or hide one.

And my suggestion was to have only one default layer on master. Or at least, if we have to comply 
with format and compatibility, to make these shenanigans not easy to apply.

Being able to use a layer-set of the <draw:page> element and the <style:master-page> element is independent from the problem, which layer is shown in the tab bar in master-view in the UI.

You should think it more like inheritance. A layer-set of the <draw:page> element is only used for this one page. A layer-set of the <style:master-page> is used for pages, which are assigned to this master. Pages which are assigned to a different master will not use it. And the default layer-set is used, if the page has not already a layer-set via <draw:page> or <style:master-page>.

The distinction between "normal view" and "master view" is a distinction in the UI. It is always one and the same layer-set, only the access to some layers is restricted by the UI.

Kind regards

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