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HI Jay

On behalf of the TDF community involved in documentation and the help
system I'd like to thank you so much for the many bugs eported,
suggestions, fixes and advises you shared with us, that really helped us
to move forward our software and our way to help users using LibreOffice.

Good luck in your new professional challenges and please keep in touch
with us.

Kind regards

Em 14/02/2018 17:52, Jay Philips escreveu:
Hi Guys,

It has been alot of fun these last 4 years working with the many
libreoffice teams, but like all things in life, things come to an end, so
i'd like to thank you all for the pleasure of working with you and wish you
all the best in the continuous success of LO.

Just as a note, all of the documents i've written related to LO are
accessible through my wiki user page.

Yousuf Philips

Olivier Hallot
LibreOffice Documentation Coordinator
Comunidade LibreOffice
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-02:00

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