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On 20/11/16 08:21, "Christoph Schäfer" wrote:

it doesn't make sense to remove most of the previously available palettes until users can download 
them separately

Which version of LibO will be the first one to ship _without_ the colour

If it is LibO 5.3..0.x (the one that is currently either pre-alpha,
alpha, or pre-beta), then that breakage is OK.

If it is for a proposed 5.2.4, then removing it now is iffy.

My theory is that in the next month or so, somebody will come up with an
extension that correctly installs the *.so? files in ~/usr/config/.

the label would be "LibreColo*u*r", because fF / fC is based in Europe,

The Spanish word for "Colour" is "Color".

However, that doesn't negate using:
* LibreKleur;
* LibreCouleur;
* LibreFarbe;
* LibreCor;
* LibreDath;

Dutch, French, German, Portuguese, and Irish, respectively.


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