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On 21.10.2016 15:33, Heiko Tietze wrote:
    + Heiko, Yousuf, Cor, Kendy, Tomaz


 * Annual report discussed 
   + (find details in the pad)


 * Update website link
     -> done meanwhile by buovjaga

 * Edit>Paste/Toolbar behave like ctrl+V (Steve/Heiko)
     + Implementation is a mess (kendy)
     + Users do not use menu/toolbar when in dialogs (Jay, Cor)
     + wrong approach to mess with the usual clipboard operations (Heiko)
     -> ticket is closed and will kept as resolved

 * UI request for 'Merge Cells' control in 'Format - Cells' window (Jay)
     + Arguments to WONTFIX in the bugtracker (Heiko)
     + Weak argument, workflow is needed (Jay)
     -> keep ticket alive and discuss in bugzilla

I would have joined the hangout, but got bogged down on IRC with a "Bug
Hunting" issue.

In your "Weekly design hangout" agenda mentioned:

        * Terminology regarding hyperlink/link (Samuel)

Was this discussed? If so, what was the outcome? If you read I have very
strong views about this. Not that my views count for much, but I see
this as a totally unnecessary change.

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