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Hi Francisco,

great to see your contributions not only the color palette at but
also all the bug reports and comments on bugzilla. The more people
have an eye on UX the better we make LibreOffice.

Regarding the palette I'd like to ask you to check where
something similar is being discussed. We have a lot of palettes
implemented today that are more or less well suited. In particular a
good naming scheme is necessary to deal with colors - otherwise the
user needs to remember the RGB values to find the identical color.
But it would definitely be an interesting idea to have an extension
that produces the list.

So thanks again, and you are always welcome to the UX hangouts Friday afternoon.


2016-09-27 22:24 GMT+02:00 Francisco Adrián Sánchez
Dear design team,

My name is Francisco Sánchez, I'm a chemical engineer who loves doing his
work with LibreOffice (even though I'm not always allowed to). Although I'm
not listed in the design team nor mailing list, I've already contributed
some times with a few opinions and even I've presented some Impress
templates for the 5.0 conquest.

I've used OOs since 2009, and one thing that I had always missed from MS
Office was the ability to generate a color palette from some theme colors.

Since I'm a chemical engineer that knows Fortran (yes, Fortran) I decided
to code an app that were able to read some colors in RGB coordinates
generating then a LibreOffice color palette. Since these files are just
text files, I though they should be easy to produce using the only language
I know... Fortran.

That said, first I analyzed the gradients that MS Office 2007 produces, and
correlated the resulting alteration of each coordinate for each gradient.
For example, if one base color has a red coordinate of 50, the "clear 90%"
shadows will have a red value which is a function of 50.
Pardon me if I don't know if there's an easier way to do this, it's just
what I could do it.

Astonishingly, there is a correlation (a polynomial one). Based on the
coefficients I got, I coded the following app in Fortran. My app works
fairly ok, producing pretty similar results to the one that can be found in
MS Office.

I don't want to type a will here, but if you are interested on it I can
email you a link to download the code and some instructions to compile. I'm
not leaving any link here because I fear that the antispam filter will
catch this email. Thus, I've uploaded the code inside an ODT file into the
Document Foundation Wiki. Thus, if you are interested please look for the


There's an screenshot there also.

Last, I'd like to make it clear that I'm not intending to say that you
should include this code in LibreOffice, nor that LibreOffice should
generate the same palettes than MSOffice does.

However, I found my app quite useful for my proposes. Also, I know that
some of you are already dealing with document themes. So, I think that the
idea behind it could be useful for you also.

That said, I wish you will have a nice weekend.

Best regards,


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