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-------- Original Message  --------
From: Rizal Muttaqin <>
To: <>
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2016 14:34:51 +0700

Hi All member of LibreOffice Design Mailing List,

One area of reason why LibreOffice is still lacked of interest from
average user is the absence of professional and modern default template
especially in Impress module. From which I read in many forums/social
media, this one is a huge drawback for user. Ya, there was an
improvement of course comparing to the Impress default
template. But overall I often to hear many complains and dissatisfaction
over there. So, for this reason I've spent my time to create a subset of
(hopefully) professional and modern template in Inkscape. All license is


Hopefully these templates will be included in the next iteration of
LibreOffice release.


Rizal Muttaqin

So where can we obtain copies of your templates? The links you have
provided are only PNG screen captures.

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