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On Aug 4, 2016 1:43 AM, "Jos van den Oever" <> wrote:

Hi Regina,

Thanks for the elegant ODG test file.

On Wednesday 03 August 2016 16:31:18 you wrote:
Jos, Thorsten, should we adapt the specification to the way LibreOffice
and Calligra do it? It would implicate, that the z-index need not be
unique over the whole document, but only locally on the level.

Yes we should propose it. This is how it works in CSS and XSL-FO and ODF
should be the same and at least LO and Calligra implementations work like
CSS and XSL-FO describe it.

Many complicated cases of CSS do not apply to ODF, because in ODF
everything is positioned. One thing we need to specify is what
constitutes a
stacking context in ODF. Is it just draw:g?

ODF specification currently does not mention what the default z-index is.
assume it is 0. In ODF, index is a non-negative integer. In CSS, it's an

I am wondering about the usefulness of z-index in ODF though. If z-index
only local, one might just as well change the order of the elements in

In CSS, z-index is useful, because CSS is meant to style documents that
independent of the CSS. CSS does not change the document it styles, but
it can
modify the stacking order for styling purposes. In ODF, the z-index is
directly on the elements and not on the style. So the question is: is
meaning in the element order besides the stacking order?

Yes there is meaning in element order. According to the ODF specificatin,
elements without a z-index will render in the order they appear in the
document. What I'm not sure about, is that if there is an element without a
z-index in the middle of several elements with z-inices, will the element
render first,  last, or in the middle?


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