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Dear UX, UI and design comrades,

today we finalized the basic work for the guideline. I'd like to introduce the 
artifacts shortly.

First of all it contains of the vision. A vision describes the goal of the 
project. It can be emotive and a source of inspiration, for instance by 
outlining how the final product makes the world a better place.

* We agreed on: "Simple for beginners and Powerful for experts"

Personas can help identify the target users of your application and provide a 
common understanding among the design and development team. A persona is the 
representation of a user, based on empirical data. 

* We defined two primary users: the beginner Ben and Eve as the expert, as 
well as the secondary persona Adrian, an IT admin, who is also taken into 
consideration for time to time.

Finally we outlined our design principles in the manifesto (as known from 

* Simplicity by default with Full Functionality on demand
* Consistency over Efficiency
* Usability over Graphical Design

Any design decision should be done based on these artifacts. For instance if 
we talk about inserting charts we need to define how Ben would want to work 
with it (instead of "I would like it in this way") and add means to access all 
features for Eve. Additionally, we have to consider if Adrian is affected by 
the changes. 
How the dialog will look like is defined by the guidelines about controls and 
workflow that follows the next week(s).

Before we publish these statements to the community we want to align the ideas 
over the design team. So please read carefully what we did so far and comment 
the hell out of the document (everybody can read and comment it on Google, the 
link is below).

Thanks a lot and a nice weekend,

On Sunday 19 April 2015, 16:05:56 Jay Philips wrote:
Hi All,

Last friday we restarted work on UI guidelines for libreoffice and if
anyone has useful input into the matter, please do comment in the google
doc and if you can, meet up with us next friday at 12pm utc.

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