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Hi Nicholas,
This list doesn't allow attachments.
Please upload the SVG elsewhere and provide a link.

On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 11:43 PM, Nicholas Shanks

I have created a new application icon because I was fed up of the old
one looking like a document and not an application. I have exported
PNGs from 16 to 1024 px through Inkscape, and have created .ico and
.icns files from them. SVG and a rendering at 48px are attached to
this email for feedback. Hopefully that should not be too many bytes
for the list.

I used a circle because many apps from different publishers seem to be
using circles or diamonds to denote the application these days
(reserving rectangles for their documents—Chrome, iTunes, AOO). I
beefed up the width of the border so that it was 1px wide in the 16px
icon, and for better visual weight at larger sizes too. The green is
what my eyedropper tool told me the splash screen was using, but that
may not be correct as SVGs are in sRGB whereas my screen is calibrated
to my eyes. Feel free to tweak the SVG (in a text editor!) and send it


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