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Hi Kévin,

Le 05/03/13 10:39 AM, Kévin PEIGNOT a écrit :
Hi everyone,

Do someone know if there is, somewhere, a list of all the icons we actually
use ? This would help us know what we still have to do, and maybe make a
wiki page with all icons and their current status (not started, started by,
analysis, ready).

If it doesn't exist, I will do this but not until next week (at least)


All of our completed elements can be found on our "Gallery of Marketing and Design Resources" -- Visual Elements wiki page[1]. This is where you will find our completed icons lists. If they are not there and they have been approved as official icons, then someone should include these in their right sections on this wiki page.

As for work in progress, we used to use this page[2] although it is not up-to-date (note that there is a link to the marketing teams "Work items" wiki page, but we have decided to update the page to include a "Marketing Easy Hacks" page for new marketing members -- I have offered to update the marketing page).

Finally we also have our "Existing Designs"wiki page[3] where some items have been approved for official use and noted on our Visual Elements wiki page[1] and other some other items have not received approval. The approval comes from the marketing/design team contributing members.




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