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Hi Jonathan,

First things first: LibreOffice can still embed and play videos in presentations, provided you have 
installed the necessary video codecs for Gstreamer (on Linux, that is).

The problem with videos is as follows, though: if you store them within the file, the file often 
gets very large, depending on the length/compression/resolution of the video – but 50–100 megabytes 
is probably typical. Now, files that are 50–100 MB large are often not very practical, especially 
when the bulk of the file size is just content that already exists elsewhere on your hard drive.
Thus, Impress by default just uses the existing external video file on your file system and does 
not copy it into the presentation. This behaviour has the disadvantage that when you move the video 
file to a different location, the presentation won't be able to find it any more. This is probably 
what happened – you moved to Linux/moved directories around and now all your Windows/former path 
names don't work any more.
Current LibreOffice writes out relative paths, but I think older versions of wrote 
out absolute ones, this might be related. The best solution to your problem likely is to just embed 
the videos you had in your presentations anew. Sorry.

However, if you absolutely want to have your video file directly in the presentation, you can 
untick the box next to "Link" on the Open dialogue for Videos.


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