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Hi all,

I haven't taken a look at the actual design, so I do not have an 
opinion on the discussion here. 

What I like is the idea to involve users into defining the future 

But I guess we should rethink the way of doing it. I do not believe 
g+ (as I understood) is an appropriate way of doing it / activating 
users. Thus the results are subject of discussion.

I more than happy to help finding / defining better ways to involve 
users in future if there is a larger interest in this topic.

All the best,

Am Sonntag, 27. Januar 2013, 21:27:43 schrieb Mirek M.:
Guide for testing the artwork on Linux:
Rename splash.png from the package as intro.png and place it along 
sofficerc, backing_left.png, backing_space.png, and 
backing_right.png into
your home folder. Then open the Terminal and write the following:
sudo cp intro.png /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/
sudo cp sofficerc /etc/libreoffice/
sudo cp backing_left.png /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/shell/
sudo cp backing_space.png /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/shell/
sudo cp backing_right.png /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/shell/

To answer Italo:

On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 8:18 PM, Italo Vignoli 
On 1/27/13 7:25 PM, Mirek M. wrote:
Again, I'd encourage you to try it out before judging.
If you're still firmly opposed to it, we can revert back to the 

Everything is white, nothing is green. Sorry, I do not like it at 
all. I
am not a design expert but a decent communication expert, and we 
already had a huge issue in the past when OOo switched from 
colourful to something completely white, and many users 
complained in a
rather strong way (and I was one of the most vocal). We should 
the design of 3.6.4, which might be too greenish, by adding 
shades or
graphic elements, but we should not give up our green colour 
(which has
a meaning, as green is the colour of freedom in western culture). 
for being probably too negative, because I am a volunteer and I 
myself what it means when your volunteer work is criticized, but 
I see
this whiteish look as a major issue (and a huge step backwards).

I have to disagree with you there.
Our original splash was predominantly white, and there were no 
about it then. When the idea of a green splash was brought up, a 
percentage of our Google+ commenters argued against it:
"please not green!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - Alberto

82324>, +1'd by Fran S, Alessandro Roncone, Jean-Baptiste Sauvage
"If one of the green ones is chosen, please add an "anti-headache 
which can turn it into greyscale colours." - Robin Jacobs
"I know about the greenish of LibreOffice, but at least a little 
of saturation could lead to a less strident ui on those DE that by 
are built around blue, to make an example.
Basically, I really appreciate this design. My point was only 
related to
the color." - Alessandro Roncone
White is also the predominant color in the Office 2010 splash 
screen, the
Apache OpenOffice splash, this Office 2013



h=168&tbnw=300&start=0&ndsp=6&tx=72&ty=67>, and almost all of 
Apple's box

I'm just trying to point out that the situation is not so clear-
cut, and
there are advantages to using white.

Also, the new proposal isn't completely devoid of green. Do you 
adding a green dog ear as in Mateus's proposal would help?
Dipl.-Psych. Björn Balazs
Business Management & Research
T +49 30 6098548-21 | M +49 179 4541949

User Prompt GmbH | Psychologic IT Expertise 
Grünberger Str. 49, 10245 Berlin | 
HRB 142277 | AG Berlin Charlottenburg | Geschäftsführer Björn Balazs

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