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Hi Marc,

2012/5/29 Marc Paré <>

Hi Mirek

Le 2012-05-28 10:30, Mirek M. a écrit :

 Hi everyone,
I know we've had a redesign of the design section of the wiki not too long
ago, but I'd like to propose a restructuring that would deal with the
continually-expanding homepage and make the section easier to browse.
Basically, I'd like the Contests and the Playground to get a homepage of
their own and I'd like to update the Whiteboards homepage to deal with
currently relevant whiteboards. Each of these homepages should display its
associated workflow at the top. These homepages could also be more
rich, as there wouldn't be as much pressure to keep the content size to a
minimum as there was on the design homepage.
What do you think? Can I go ahead with this restructuring?

I can't help but think that somewhere with all of this restructuring the
relationship with the marketing team and design team has been left behind.

The marketing and design teams have, from the very start, tried to
coordinate any needed design requirements by the marketing team closely
with the design team. That is, if any design were needed for a project with
the marketing team, we (the marketing team) would leave a request on the
design team's mailing list with the hopes of someone on the design team
would be kind enough to help out. Eventually, a specific design would come
out of this process and we would vote on it; from there, the design would
be posted on the Design team's official "Gallery of Marketing and Design
Resources" wiki page[1].

I am not sure if this relationship is being taken into consideration with
the restructured Design page or if the Design team is in the process of
redefining itself and will not be be involved with any of the marketing
designing process.

Basically, what we're doing now is trying to find a workflow that produces
the best design, trying to determine how to work as a community, finding
ways to interact with both our user base and the developer community, and
trying to get more people involved.

The focus of our work doesn't change, though. We still do visual and
interactive design, not only for the LibreOffice software, but also for any
of the LibreOffice teams should they require it. In other words, we will
continue to work with the marketing team.

Or is there anything about our recent endeavors that you feel would make it
hard to cooperate?

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