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2012/5/16 Alexander Wilms <>


updated another whiteboard.

Several issues with it:
a) The bottom toolbar doesn't really make sense right now, as it will be
impossible to create documents in the file viewer.
b) The tab bar doesn't follow the Android HIG (it should be aligned to the
left and using all caps; see
c) Why is the color for All orange? It should probably be grey (that's the
color of the LibreOffice logo, plus it's neutral, so that it can encomapss
all the document types).
d) There should be no button for "selection mode". Selection is done only
by long-tapping on Android (
e) Folders should appear as overlays.
f) There should be no "Up" button in the folder toolbar. Android makes the
action bar application icon the Up button (
g) The "Edit" button isn't needed either, as, again, this will be for the
viewer only.
h) The toolbar for a selection should appear as a contextual action bar ( There's no
need for a bottom toolbar right now.
i) Folders on Android look like this: , so
that the one in the front is aligned to bottom left.
j) The ruler on the templates icon puts too much balance on the left of the
icon. Could you move it somewhere where it balances out more, or perhaps
remove it altogether?

Can I comment out the proposals?

No, let's keep the proposals visible (even after they're implemented).

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