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2012/2/2 Kévin PEIGNOT <>

Hy everyone!

So just my two cents : In my opinion, having the insert bar on the left or
the right is'nt a big issue, more of that we could this...

Then about Unity, I know the new Unity version (uploaded in Unity Precise
(Ubuntu 12.04) PPA few days ago) introduce a new way to determine when to
show the launcher (it's not any more a simple timer if I understood well).
I haven't been able to try this because everything crashed when I
installed, so I had to return to the official Precise Unity version.
Anyway, this change should be uploaded in Official Precise soon. I try it
when possible.

The main point for me : having the insert bar on the left isn't a problem,
as soon as we can move it. More of that, I'm sure that if it's a problem
with Unity, Ubuntu UX Team will choose to have the bar on the right by
default in the official Ubuntu repositories.

They haven't done this with Inkscape.
But, on the bright side, they're adding an option to only show the launcher
when hovering over the top-left corner of the screen (which was the
original design).


PS : Sorry for the long time since my last mail

2011/12/9 Andrew Pullins <>

I sees your concern, and have thought of this my self. but all the
insertion bar is, is a bunch of things that you insert into the doc.
you need to make multiple tables or pictures, ect. , it wont be all that
annoying. but there will be some sort of option to change where the bar
so if it does aggravate people they can change it.

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