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Hi Stefan,

I have some documents I did for school, e.g. a term paper in math with a lot of formulas, protocols 
of physics lessens with some sketches and a presentation with a chart. Does it matter that they are 
written in German?


---- On Fri, 23 Dec 2011 18:13:04 +0100 Stefan Knorr (Astron) <> 
wrote ---- 

H Kévin,

> I think there is no problem, just could you make a list of feautures
> (charts, titles ....) and documents (docs, calc, presentations ?)

Great. There isn't any list of required features per se. The idea is
to present ourselves in the best possible light when making general
purpose screenshots for instance for our homepage, or for other
download homepages. (The message should be: "Look, it's easy/possible
to produce attractive, professional-looking documents with
So, use any feature that fits, but don't overdo it. It wouldn't hurt
if we had two or three such documents per application. It would also
be good if the contents made a bit of sense – lorem ipsum is not ideal
(because then it seems like you can only do hypothetically work with
LibO, but not meet real-world demands).


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