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Hi Bernhard,

this is very very sad news. Being a newcomer on this team, I can say it was very important to have had your welcoming and also your feedbacks, and I was really wondering where the hell were you in the past weeks.

I'd like to thank you and wish the best for you and your family, and say we'll too be sorry about your departure. We hate to lose you, but that's OK if it's for the best. Besides, you leave good inheritance behind you.

My best regards./

Em 29-10-2011 14:00, Bernhard Dippold <> escreveu:
Hi all,

I'm very sorry that I have to announce this:

I can't spend my time on LibreOffice any more.

During the last weeks (to be honest: even the last months) I only read this list and some of the others I'm subscribed to, but my replies became very rare.

I tried for a very long time to avoid compromising my private life with my LibreOffice (and previously activities. But looking on my life I have to confess, that this didn't really work out.

From now on I will try to spend more time with the most important people in my real life: my children and my friends. Even if I like being here very much, real life is more important - and if you understand that you have to spend your time wisely, your decision is clear...

I'm not the one to reduce my activities until a certain amount of work: It turned out in the past that I had been as active as before (or even more) after a few week's time.

So I have to stop all my LibreOffice activities and hope that you keep up the great work you already do.

It has been very much fun to be a part of this community.
I learned quite a lot during the 6 or 7 years of in the and LibreOffice community (I improved not only my English), but the most important part of the work here is to meet not only co-workers, but friends.

I'm leaving very reluctantly, but as the day has less than 30 hours to work, I know that my decision is the right one.

Thank you that I could be part of such a great community - and a design team that starts to become more and more important inside this community.

Best regards


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