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Hi Marc, *, 

On Wed, 29 Jun 2011 02:20:53 -0400
Marc Paré <> wrote:

I am just moving a question/answer that was raised on the documentation 
team mailing list. As it is related, it should really appear on our 
discussions on this topic. This has been raised many times, however, I 
just realised that perhaps many of the NL teams are not aware of the MS 
claims to copyright of screenshots related to their products. We should 
also make a point of making these teams aware of these claims and the 
reasons why we try to avoid some specific screenshots.

Here is Sigrid's answer to the OP. Thanks Sigrid for the answer.




Le 2011-06-29 01:41, Sigrid Carrera a écrit :
Hi Javier, *,

On Wed, 29 Jun 2011 00:40:46 -0400
Javier Oscar Cordero-Pérez<>  wrote:

On 06/28/2011 11:17 PM, Marc Paré wrote:
Le 2011-06-28 23:07, Javier Oscar Cordero-Pérez a écrit :
On 06/25/2011 09:32 PM, Marc Paré wrote:
Le 2011-06-22 00:27, Javier Oscar Cordero-Pérez a écrit :
If I were them I would go by leaving the default theme, unless there's
plans on mayor UI changes, also would use Windows 7 for the screenshots.
I'm a Linux and FLOSS full time user, but Windows would be the best
platform for it helps us reach a bigger market share. Most of the users
who will read the manuals will run some variant of the MS OS.
Not too easy:

The microsoft website says:

Use of Microsoft Copyrighted Content
Published: April 26, 2005 | Updated: November 13, 2009

Microsoft products and services—including images, text, and software downloads (the 
"content")—are owned either by Microsoft Corporation or by third parties who have granted 
Microsoft permission to use the content. Microsoft cannot grant you permission for content that 
is owned by third parties. You may only copy, modify, distribute, display, license, or sell the 
content if you are granted explicit permission within the End-User License Agreement (EULA) or 
License Terms that accompany the content or are provided in the following guidelines. For more 
information, consult your copyright attorney.

Requirements for Allowed Uses

For permission to be granted for any uses allowed by these guidelines, you must comply with the 
following four requirements:

1. If your use includes references to a Microsoft product, you must use the full
    name of the product. When referencing any Microsoft trademarks, follow the
    General Microsoft Trademark Guidelines.

2. You must include the following statement: "Used with permission from

3. Your use may not be obscene or pornographic, and you may not be disparaging,
    defamatory, or libelous to Microsoft, any of its products, or any other
    person or entity.

4. You may link to Microsoft content by using either a plain text link with
    words such as "This way to" or by participating in an
    applicable Link Logo program. No other images may be used as a link to a
    Microsoft site.

And between a lot of other regulations you'll find this:

Screen Shots

You may not use screen shots of Microsoft product boot-up screens, opening screens, "splash 
screens," or screens from beta release products or other products that have not been 
commercially released. You may use other screen shots in advertising, in documentation 
(including educational brochures), in tutorial books, in videotapes, or on Web sites, provided 
that, in addition to the requirements above, you:

1. Do not alter the screen shot except to resize it.

2. Do not use portions of screen shots.

3. Do not include screen shots in your product user interface.

4. Do not use screen shots that contain third-party content.

5. Do not use screen shots that contain an image of an identifiable individual.

Point 2 disqualifies the use of Windows screenshots already.
I forgot one more point: 

Point 1 also does not allow us to add arrows or circles to make clear about which part of the 
program we're talking about (something I used quite a bit already in the first chapter of the 
getting started guide). 


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