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Dear Mirek,

please do.
I'm about to finish a first mock-up on the Styles and Formatting window, as discussed before, and managed to get an account in the wiki, but couldn't go further until now (yes, I feel very stupid about this). So I believe those pages will be useful indeed.

Em 08-05-2011 05:00, escreveu:
[libreoffice-design] Whiteboards
"Mirek M." <>
Sat, 7 May 2011 22:33:40 +0200


Hi everyone,
Now that we have a Whiteboards section on our wiki [1], I was wondering if I
could add the following pages:

- Navigator
- Options
- Styles
- The Primary GUI (i.e. what to do with menus and toolbars)
- Fonts

These pages would be used for collecting usability problems and discussing
potential solutions (+ storing mockups that are part of proposed solutions).
I'm asking because I want to check if a) these things are in the scope of
the Whiteboards section, b) if everyone here agrees that these pages would
be useful, and c) if the LibreOffice wiki should address the same topics
that are already being discussed on wiki pages [2] [3] or if
we should contribute to the OOo pages instead.


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