Hi Marc, Daniel, all,
Marc Paré wrote:
Could we also have a vote on Daniel Rodiguez' "LibreOffice Foundation
Challenge Greyscale Banner" in the proposals section[1]?
If we wouldn't have reached the 50000 challenge, I'd vote for it.
But now it needs some overhaul.
Perhaps Daniel (or anybody else) could change the wording to some
"thank you" and "keep on donating" ...
And while you are updating the text - could you try to have the grey
background a bit lighter (or a gradient lighter to the top)?
I think the difference between the "Libre" part and the background
could be
a bit more to improve the contrast of the logo...
We have a need for a Greyscale banner for use on white stock paper and
this banner suits perfectly. We are using a flyer based on this banner
at the SCALE conference this weekend[3].
If you already finalized the flyer, please go for it.
In this case the banner can be considered as "official design element"
my side too.
Best regards