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Thanks Christoph: more below

Le 2011-02-10 16:51, Christoph Noack a écrit :
Hi Marc,

here we go ...

Am Donnerstag, den 10.02.2011, 06:21 -0500 schrieb Marc Paré:
Le 2011-02-07 17:56, Christoph Noack a écrit :
I would like to add this to the wiki marketing "Conference Kit" wiki
page as examples for others to see. Would it be OK for me to grab some
of the photos from your blog to do this? Some of the shots of the booth
and disc/pen/strap thingy are good ones to reference.
Excellent idea! I uploaded some of the pictures in original size, and I
took some new ones to better present the clothes.

The only issue is, that it was already a bit dark - so I had to use an
external flash. Unfortunately, some of the pictures have weird colors
(but: the real shirts colors differed a lot). I hope that it'll work
anyway ...

Some comments concerning the booth layout - maybe helpful for the "Best
       * The larger banners hung in different directions, so that they
         could be seen from anywhere.
       * Some of the small banners put on the windows (in the background)
         were directed towards the outside.
       * We offered some green colored sweets
       * A "booth emergency pack" should contain: tape (different types),
         a knife, twine, flipchart pens (different colors), cough drops
         (very important for events>  1 day)

Everyone - anything missing?


PS: CCing Marketing List

I saw that you also had some USB flash drive. Were these give-aways or 
for sale? If you had internet connection, what did you take with you and 
what would you have preferred?
Maybe also mention a bit on how you financed the articles for the 
conference. Did you get some funding support?
I'll pick up the photos soon. For some reason my ISP is having problems 
with connection in our neighbourhood today.


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