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I'll present myself. I'm a 10+ years Writer user (I started with
StarOffice 5.2 before the code was released and OOo project was born)
that do not have any developer or UI designer background, but have
instead two books published using Writer (one of them actually gave me
some money ;) ) and several years as volunteer on OOo forums.
In fact, I maintain (under CC licence) a book on Spanish about how to
properly use Writer called "Domando al escritor" (Taming the Writer)
that I recently updated to include the LibO version.
I'm starting to gather (cannot guarantee the speed, though) some ideas
from an user prospective about how to make Writer and related tools
You can find the firsts two articles here:
My skills as "mock-upper" (if such a word exists) are quite limited so
by now there are more words than pictures, and not necessarily with a
proper grammar (I'm a native Spanish speaker that lives on Italy...
don't ask)
If you think these ideas are worthy, we can discuss them and other
future ideas on new threads.
See you

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