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        To Whom It may Concern

   I've been a user of OpenOffice for the past several years and I
   loved that software. I used it at work in school and at home. Since
   the Oracle Corporation purchased Sun Microsystem I lost the desiger
   to use the OpenOffice. And then several weeks ago I found out about
   your foundation and I fell in love with the foundation and
   LibreOffice. You are the best think that happened to the OpenOffice
   and open source community  in the last several years.

   The reason I am contacting you is because I'd like to tell you about
   how I am feeling about your fundation and LibreOffice and to give
   you my idea "Idea about Ideas" how you/we can improve the product. I
   have imagined a website where users can enter their ideas about
   diffrent extentions, GUI, how to improve the product, how market the
   product, etc. And also have a ranking system on the website where
   users can vote for different ideas that they would like to see in
   the next release. What I would do I would have an extension built
   into the LibreOffice where users, connected to internet, could log
   Ideas quickly and efficiently without leaving application.

   I think the website would provide a place where users and developers
   could come up with Ideas and share them with the rest of the world.
   This place, the website, would be central for creating, sharing and
   grading and determining which functionality, aspect of the
   LibreOffice is the most crucial, importat for the users to be
   changed or incorporated.

   The users would have a greater influence in which direction the
   software would go which in the end would satisfy greater number of

   Thank you very much for your valuable time. I hope my "idea about
   ideas" will find a positive reception. And if it does I'd like to
   offer my help in creating the website.

   Please let me know any thoughts, concerns or comments about the
   "idea about ideas".

   Pawel Jarosz

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