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IIRC we've had incidents with (US) people complaining on each non-US
conference about discriminatory remarks, each of which was eventually
solved within the community (hence the painful adjustments, because not
every country in the EU is aligned with US sensitivity). No problem ever
went outside the community.

2012/10/12 Simon Phipps <>

On Friday, October 12, 2012, FGM at GMail wrote:

We (Drupal community) started having this problem a few years ago when
DrupalCon started to become a larger event.

After a number of (painful) iterations, this led us to our current code
of conduct, derived from the Ubutu one:

It might be appropriate to look in that direction from LO.

Thanks for the input; if we were drafting a policy then starting with the
statements from Ubuntu might well be good.

How effective has that Drupal policy been in practical terms? My thought
was for TDF to start with a person who could actually help intervene on the
community's behalf (referring to the authorities as Andre suggests in the
exceptionally unlikely event it's necessary), after which they could offer
their experiences to help us identify if a written code of conduct beyond
the words I've proposed would help their successor.


*Simon Phipps*
*Meshed Insights & Knowledge *
+1 415 683 7660  *or*  +44 2380 987027

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