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Je viens de compléter le bugtracker avec les résultats concluants des tests menés suite à la 
réponse d'Andras Timar !

(Source :

Je recopie ici  ce que j'ai ajouté :
I have been able to do some tests today on a Windows XP SP3 and your solution seems to work !

I will confirm this under Windows 7 SP1 32 bits as soon as possible.

Here are the steps I followed :
01 - Take a Windows XP and install LibreOffice 3.6.5 selecting only Draw and Impress as components.
02 - Test Draw and Impress to confirm it works
03 - Open LibreOffice MSI file with Orca
04 - Select "View" -> "Edit Summary Information"
05 - In "Languages" field : delete all except 1033 (needed for GPO Software Installation wizard to 
accept the MSI file)
06 - Confirm, then save MSI file (but don't close it, we still need it)
07 - Select "Transform" -> "New Transform"
08 - Go to Feature table
09 - Replace "Level" value (default : 20) of "gm_o_Pyuno_LibreLogo" to 200 (Writer no more needed 
to launch other components of LibreOffice)
10 - Select "Transform" -> "Generate Transform" and save your MST file
11 - Close MSI file (without saving anything more)
12 - Open your GPO manager and create the Software Installation policy for LibreOffice, by 
selecting the MSI file for installation package and the MST as a modification file.
13 - Assign the GPO to the test PC
14 - Reboot PC and wait for upgrade to to finish
15 - Confirm Draw and Impress are the only components installed (no Writer or Calc for example), 
and confirm they work.

Thank you Andras !

De : []
Date d'envoi : vendredi 20 juin 2014 21:04
À : Laurent BALLAND-POIRIER; Daian Olivier; Frédéric BOYER
Cc :
Objet : Re: [fr-users] Formulaire de demande d'aide


Message du 20/06/14 19:09
Quand j'avais chercher comment personnaliser une installation
automatique, j'avais trouvé ce blog en anglais

Merci pour l'info.

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