Je passe également les minutes de la réunion de l'ESC à ce sujet :
* Online move questions (Michael M)
+ can help with answering questions?
+ suspect: good place to ask questions directly, but the broader
discussion will be on board-discuss@ (Thorsten)
+ extremely mixed emotions: sad to see this happening, but it was
effectively like this already for years
+ just making this more visible
+ hope: this a start for a good discussion
+ Online uses LOKit, Collabora will maintain that? (Caolan)
+ yes, that would be my expectation (Michael M)
+ is there still discussion ongoing? (Michael W)
+ everything is possible, we write software, meetings soon with the
Board & MC to discuss (Michael M)
+ I already tried to listen to everybody, and minimize the unhappiness
+ need to get inter-corporate conflict out of the project; seen it
in the past inside LibreOffice
+ much of our engineering structure: time based released, hard
feature freezes etc. are due to this.
+ how does LOOL continues? (Heiko)
+ C'bra people will abstain from decisions on LOOL of course
(Michael M)
+ up to the TDF staff / board
À bientôt
Le 01/10/2020 à 12:38, sophi a écrit :
Je vous invite à lire ce mail de Michael Meeks et à suivre l'éventuelle
discussion qui en découlera :
Cela rejoint la discussion que nous avions sur l'avenir de la suite.
À bientôt
Sophie Gautier
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: sophi
Foundation coordinator
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