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La Commission européenne fait un appel à commentaire sur l’interopérabilité des administrations 
européennes, d’une part entre elles, d’autre part dans leurs relations avec leurs citoyens. 

Le lien avec les logiciels libres et les standards ouverts n’échappera à personne. 

Il s’agit de réviser, voire étendre, les textes existants : 



Le projet de futur EIF 

L’Etat français répondra à cette enquête, sa réponse est préparée par le SGMAP. Ce qui n’empêche 
pas d’autres entités d’y répondre de leur côté : collectivités locales, organismes de recherche, 
associations, entreprises... Sans compter les citoyens ! 

L’enquête est ici 

Le questionnaire existe en français, mais je n’ai trouvé les documents qu’en anglais. Il faut 
répondre avant le 29 juin. 

De : European Commission - ISA² news [ ] 
Objet : Make your voice heard: take part in an open public consultation on Interoperability in 

Online version 

Make your voice heard: take part in an open public consultation on Interoperability in Europe 

As of this week, through this public consultation , administrations, businesses and private 
organisations, research centres, academic institutions, standardisation organisations and others 
can all have their say in setting up an interoperability framework and strategy in Europe. 

This will be through the revision of the existing European Interoperability Framework (EIF) and the 
European Interoperability Strategy (EIS), dating back to 2010. Five years after their first 
implementation, the European Commission is now revising them to meet the needs of all players in 
times of rapidly evolving technologies, and in order to catch up with policy evolutions, such as 
the Digital Single Market strategy. 

Interoperability is the ability of different organisations to exchange information digitally 
between them, and with businesses and citizens, in a meaningful manner. These exchanges are crucial 
for the delivery of public services in a digital era, where it needs to be ensured that information 
flows without obstacles for security, social, economic and political reasons. The revised EIS and 
EIF will be essential to implement a common approach towards interoperability between public 
administrations in Europe, as well as citizens and businesses. 

In this endeavour, your feedback is required. What should be changed, where should the focus be, 
what are the priorities? 

We look forward to receiving your input through the consultation page , which is open until 29 June 
2016 . 

The consultation is being carried out as part of ISA² , the new European Commission programme to 
promote interoperability between public administrations, businesses and citizens. The programme, 
which is running from 2016-2020, supports the development of interoperable digital solutions for 
the modernisation of public administrations. 

European Commission, ISA² programme — Interoperability solutions for Public Administrations in 
Europe, businesses and citizens. 

Directorate-General for Informatics 

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