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Thomas vient de publier les comptes de la fondation, je vous les 
reproduis ici :

Since Sep, 28 we recieved a lot of small to very small amounts of money
mainly via PayPal - so PayPal charge some fees of each recieved amount.
The sums are:
recieved from Sep, 28 to Sep., 30 :    939,76 EUR
recieves form Oct, 01 to Oct, 15  :    709,36 EUR
recieves from Oct, 16 to Oct, 31  :    545,11 EUR
recieves fro, Nov, 01 to Nov, 30  :  2.172,05 EUR
additional recieved via bank account:  491,00 EUR

Founds summery:                      4.857,28 EUR

Costs since starting up the Foundation:
Mainly hardware (Server) cost and domain-registration, up to now:
                                      1.036,98 EUR
Fees for trademark "LibreOffice" and "The Document Foundation":
                                      1.800,- EUR
Costs for the layer:                 1.092,- EUR

Sum costs:                           3.928,98 EUR

That means, up to now we do have a surplus of  928,30 EUR.

Ce qui signifie que pour une fois nous sommes en positif de 928,30 € :)
N'hésitez pas si vous avez des questions

À bientôt
Founding member of The Document Foundation

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