Hi Yildiz,
(Deutsche zusammenfassung weiter unten)
you reached
a) a German mailing list and
b) the LibreOffice Mailing list: we do not have these security isues.
Actually we realized that the Apache Foundation was officially posting
the secuitry issues to their official Apache Foundation "board minutes"
a few weeks ago.
Come and enoy a heathy community. ;-)
Best regards,
die Marketing Gruppe hat festgestellt, dass AOO 3 offene
Sicherheitslücken hat, die seit 365+ Tagen nicht geschlossen worden sind
(bestätigt von der Apache Foundation in Ihren eigenen Minutes) und
darauf wurde etwas "Social Media gemacht"...
Am 01.01.25 um 19:10 schrieb Ismail Yıldız:
Dear LibreOffice Team,
I hope this message finds you well. I would like to bring an important issue regarding the security
of open-source software to your attention. As an affected user, I have repeatedly noticed that
hackers exploit the open-source code to make malicious changes and replace original files with
compromised versions.
Unfortunately, there is currently no tool available to quickly check which files are affected. This
poses a significant security risk and undermines trust in the use of open-source software.
I greatly appreciate the transparency and flexibility that open-source software offers. However, it
would be helpful if additional security measures could be implemented to ensure the integrity of
the software and protect users from potential threats.
Best regards,
Ismail Yildiz
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