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Hi Artur

Thanks for your bug-report.

I have attached a 2.3prerelease, where I manual have corrected the errors and made some minor 

Genitive with "es" has been removed, since it hasn't been a valid form from 2001 and onwards.

A temporary fix for genitive uppercase abbreviations, fx USA's and SQL's, has been added.

The corrections has not been changed in our daily build yet.

Kind regards

Esben Aaberg

----- Original meddelelse -----
Fra: Artur Zakirov <>
Sendt: 8:38 mandag den 2. november 2015
Emne: Danish dictionary. Emty symbol in hunspell affix file


I found your e-mail from

I tried to use in the PostgreSQL Danish dictionary downloaded from
But I met incorrect format of the affix 55 in 439 line. I suppose that 
some symbol was missed.
To see the incorrect affix I opened affix file with Sublime Text 3  in 
Ubuntu using UTF-8 encoding (screen1.png). Besides you can see that in 
446 line there are incorrect symbol.

I tried to download a newer version of the dictionary from
But there same problem (screen2.png, 442 and 449 lines).

Artur Zakirov
Postgres Professional:
Russian Postgres Company

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