Hvis nogen har tid, så vil en hurtig smoke-test være velkommen.
---------- Videresendt besked ----------
Fra: "Thorsten Behrens" <thb@documentfoundation.org>
Dato: 26/07/2011 16.19
Emne: [libreoffice-projects] [ANN] LibreOffice 3.4.2 RC3 available
Til: "LibreOffice" <libreoffice@lists.freedesktop.org>, <
l10n@global.libreoffice.org>, <projects@global.libreoffice.org>
Hi *,
for 3.4.2 rc3, we're now uploading builds to a public (but
non-mirrored - so don't spread news too widely!) place, as soon as
they're available. Grab them here:
If you've a bit of time, please give them a try & report *critical*
bugs not yet in bugzilla here, so we can incorporate them into the
release notes. Please note that it takes approximately 24 hours to
populate the mirrors, so that's about the time we have to collect
The list of fixed bugs in this release is here:
So playing with the areas touched there also greatly appreciated -
and validation that those bugs are really fixed.
Thanks a lot for your help,
-- Thorsten
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- [da-dansk] Fwd: [libreoffice-projects] [ANN] LibreOffice 3.4.2 RC3 available · Leif Lodahl
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