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Bliv medlem af The Document Foundation!

Der er nu åbnet for at 'tilmelde' sig medlemsskab af TDF som
enkeltpersoner. Medlemsskabet er gratis jvnf. vedtægterne, men man skal
være 'kvalificeret'. TDF er meritokratisk, så det er de reelle
bidragsydere som har indflydelse.

Alle som har bidraget de seneste år kan angive mig som 'reference', og
jeg vil efterfølgende bekræfte det overfor medlemskommitteen. Husk at
skrive *alt* på I har lavet, det gælder også hvis I har holdt foredrag,
undervisning eller lavet andre ting som ikke umiddelbart står på listen
over 'contributions'.

Der er ingen deadline, og proceduren med at blive accepteret kommer
sikkert til at tage lang tid.

Hvorfor tilmelde sig?

Senest 12 måneder efter stiftelsen skal der afholdes valg. For at være
stemmeberettiget skal man være 'kvalificeret medlem'. Derfor!


-------- Original Meddelelse --------
Subject:        [libreoffice-website] The Document Foundation is open for members
Date:   Tue, 19 Apr 2011 09:00:42 +0200
From:   Andre Schnabel <>

Dear contributors,

within the last months the community around LibreOffice and The Document 
Foundation worked hard to establish policies, processes, infrastructure 
and all the things you need to deliver a high quality software. One of 
our basic principles is that we will acknowledge this merit and allow 
all the contributors to become official members of our community [2]. All 
members will have the right to run for a seat in the Foundation's board 
of directors, elect the board and drive the future of our projects.

From now on all of you can apply for membership via our webform [1] . 
The membership committee [3] is eager to receive your applications.

Please help us to process your request quickly. Read and follow the 
form's introduction carefully, provide a good description of your 
contributions and list at least two contacts who can confirm your 

The TDF Membership Committee,
     Sophie Gautier,
     Fridrich Strba,
     André Schnabel,
     Cor Nouws


[1] application form:

[2] community bylaws:

[3] more about the Membership Committee:

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