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On 01/15/2012 05:02 PM, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote:
On 01/15/2012 04:48 PM, Bryen M Yunashko wrote:
On Sun, 2012-01-15 at 16:46 -0500, webmaster for Kracked Press
Productions wrote:
On 01/14/2012 07:32 PM, Bryen M Yunashko wrote:
On Sat, 2012-01-14 at 19:19 -0500, Tad Whiteside wrote:

Following up on my idea for a US based LibreOffice store:

I've put together a few items and just wanted to announce the opening of
a North American LibreOffice store.

Under the LibreOffice project we have coffee mugs and CDs with the
stable versions of LibreOffice.

For each sale we will donate 10% of the proceeds to the Document Foundation.

Feedback is welcome.


Would be nice if laptop stickers were also sold.  I'd love to put a
LibreOffice sticker on my laptop as well as have a few to hand out to

Regarding the sale of CDs, I see that we must choose which
desktop/architecture we want.  Wouldn't it be better served (and less
work for you) if we created a DVD with all of the above? For those who
want to promote LibreOffice by buying a DVD and then going around
installing it in offices and customers, etc. having a single medium
would be a lot easier than having to order multiple copies.

Bryen M Yunashko
You can try a DVD such as this one - for a starting point.

Windows, Linux [.deb and .rpm], plus MacOSX [PPC and Intel]
This might be a good "starting point" and it is in English.

So why not add that to the store?

Well, I did not know about it, but have been real sick lately and barely had the strength to let you know there was one already created. So since there was an English DVD ready, you could use it to build on.

Download the ISO.
Burn the DVD.
Go from there.
Make a version of your own.
"brought to you by . . . ."
My mind is a little better today, so I think I know what you meant about a "store". I did not set up a store myself to sell the DVDs, since I cannot do a business out of my Federally subsidized handicapped housing. Also, my mobility is not what it is was to deal with the needs of getting the shipping packages to a facility outside the place for shipments.

I have stated to people that if they wanted to do that, they can take what the North American Community Project did and make their own version[s] and do their own store.

Sure, I could use the extra cash to help out my fixed income from SSD and Worker's Compensation. The law will allow me to earn a percentage of my income that way, but physically I have too many problems to be able to work on a daily basis, even for a few set hours. I have currently been sick for a little less that 12 days and I will not be able to do anything "normal" for maybe another week. You cannot operate a business when you are bedridden for weeks at a time.

So, yes I would love to see my DVD project in a "store", but cannot do this myself. Not anymore.

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