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Le 28/04/11 10:07 AM, drew a écrit :
On Thu, 2011-04-28 at 09:50 -0400, Marc Paré wrote:
Le 28/04/11 09:28 AM, drew a écrit :
On Thu, 2011-04-28 at 09:25 -0400, Marc Paré wrote:
Hi everyone. I will try to make it short and to the point.

Yes on every count from Drew. We should have everything on the TDF
servers and site. We should NOT be hosting any ISO or any site.

Hi Marc,

I would say that hosting the NA-Community-DVD ISO for download on
multiple sites has always been opening part of the plan.



Sorry, yes, I just meant to say that the working place for the first ISO
build would be on the TDF servers/sites.

Ok - but again I must disagree - the agreement for a long time has been
to wrap whet is created on the site into the first ISO.

Does that mean that no one can start working on the TDF server of course
not - and to honest on that I rather expected that someone might of
already done that, but is not how it worked out - indeed if someone
wants to start that process tomorrow I say, great.

However - I also feel that the files currently in the directory
structure that would makeup this first ISO are in my opinion very close
to being acceptable and I hope, strongly, to see us tie up the last
couple of loose ends.

I'll add - this is not just about a piece of plastic it is also
specifically a team building exercise and I truly feel that as such
there was a commonly accepted sequence being taken. I am just saying let
us all work to bring that to a successful completion as we move onto the
TDF infrastructure.

Thanks again,




Yes. I would even go one step further. As the NA-EN DVD is being developed, the LO membership (as well as the SC) has been keeping a close eye on its make-up and this is why there has not been any movement on creating an EN DVD. I personally think that most of the work done on the NA-EN DVD could seed an EN DVD project. Not to mention, hoping the NA-EN DVD creators would move on the helping out with the EN DVD project.

I also believe the NA-ES DVD could also help seed an ES-DVD such as the NA-EN DVD. Maybe also the NA-FR DVD.

Its not a matter of patting ourselves (in particular Tim and yourself) on the back for a job well-done, but realizing that the NA-EN DVD work is really well done and an asset to the LibreOffice project.

We should also credit the DE-DVD project for seeding our NA-DVD project. The DE-DVD group have been quite instrumental at giving us a template for our DVD version.

So congrats to the DE and NA groups for the work done and acting as templates for the next native language DVD's.

So, sure, we can start the EN DVD with our material and hope to have a larger sampling of EN membership helping out.



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