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Le 10/06/11 06:13, rdb a écrit :

I am trying to make a nice style sheet with bullets at different outline
levels, and with each outline level at a different indentation. The
indentation just won't work out, whatever I try. Here's what I did:

Haventt read all, but I had problems with similar stuff because I forgot to delete default indents, so my custom ones weren't used.

Created a paragraph style 'CV Bullets'
Made its indent 7.4mm
In 'Outline&  Numbering', I put the numbering style on 'List 1' and the
Outline level at 'Body text', and also tried 'Level 1'.
In the list style 'List 1', I defined different bullets for different
outline levels. That works fine.
Then, under the 'Position' tab, I tried to change the alignment of the
different outline levels. Doesn't work. The Bullets indent at 7.4 mm and the
text of each list item follows some indentation law that I don't understand.
Tried to define different paragraph styles ('CV Bullets 1', 'CV Bullets 2',
etc.) and link them to different outline levels in list 1 ('CV Bullets 1'
has Outline level 1 in 'Outline&  Numbering', 'CV Bullets 2' has level 2,
etc.). No success, all kinds of things happen, but not the indentation is
not what I specified in the 'List 1' style.
The only thing that appears to work is to strip all paragraph styles from
the list and then apply outline levels. But this means I cannot control the
paragraph style of my lists anymore.
Result: Frustration *gna gna gna*

The online documentation that I could find is very rudimentary. Any ideas?
Did I overlook something or are LibreOffice lists just confusing?


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