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Hi :)

LibreOffice works on Windows too and can be installed without making it the 
default Office Suite.  Your colleagues could continue to use MS Office for most 
things and then just use LibreOffice for the newsletter.  

So far it seems that files created in LibreOffice (or OpenOffice) look fairly 
close to the original when opened in MS Office although for MS Office prior to 
2007 the files need to be saved as "Word 98/2000/Xp" format (.doc rather than 
.docX or .odt).  Word 2007 and 2010 can open .odt but handles .doc better.  This 
can be set as the default format in LibreOffice or OpenOffice
Tools - Options - "Load/Save" - General
and then use the 2 drop-down lists at the bottom to set-up the new defaults 
(roll back up the list 2 places to see the "98/200/Xp" formats).  Sometimes it's 
just easier to use
File - "Save As .."
but changing the defaults mean you don't have to worry until after you upgrade 

Were the Hebrew fonts messed up?  If that happens it might be possible to 
install 'better' Hebrew fonts.  Usually it is something odd about the way MSO 
handles text-boxes and pictures, any boxes really.  But this can usually be 
fixed just by dragging the boxes back to the right place

Hopefully compatibility will improve but MS like to try to make things difficult 
so that people are forced into buying their latest Office all the time.  Google 
docs also uses the OpenDocument Formats and compatibility is improving there 
too.  The whole Cloud thing is still a bit new but it's hopefully improving 
despite occasional set-backs.  

Encouraging your colleagues to install LibreOffice and make sure it is NOT set 
as the default Office Suite will help you all move to better compatibility with 
more systems.  They might even find they prefer LibreOffice more and more even 
though they could always use MSO instead.  The icons are nicer and menus more 
familiar than the ribbon-bar (especially as it looks in MSO 2007).  

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Laivy Gelerinter <>
Sent: Thu, 26 May, 2011 12:12:40
Subject: [libreoffice-users] compatibility with MS Word 2007 files, hebrew

I recently downloaded the newest version of Ubuntu in order to try it out as
I am not so impressed with Windows. The current download includes
LibreOffice. The main thing which would stop me from moving over to Ubuntu
is compatibility with MS Office 2007 files. I have been putting out a weekly
newsletter in Hebrew for the past 9 years and need to be able to access my
MS files and to be able to read them and work with them. I also have some
people working with me and they use MS Word and I must be able to
successfully transfer files between them and myself. The newsletter is in
Hebrew. When I tried opening the MS files using LibreOffice I found that the
formatting was very messed up as well as LibreOffice not having the fonts I
use and therefore everything came out wrong. How can I get LibreOffice to
open these files while maintaining the proper formatting and fonts? I hope
there is a way as everything I have heard about Ubuntu and Libreoffice point
to them being much more stable and powerful than MS but, as I wrote, I need
the compatibility with MS Office 2007 files.

Thank you in advance


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